Download | - View final version: Towards development of a hybrid discrete graph-based ant colony optimization algorithm with an antibody-based immune programming algorithm (PDF, 293 KiB)
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Author | Search for: Barton, Alan1 |
Affiliation | - National Research Council of Canada. Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
Format | Text, Technical Report |
Physical description | 5 p. |
Subject | optimization; approximation; stigmergy; emergence |
Abstract | An attempt is made to improve swarm-based optimization algorithms (SBOA) through an investigation and development in C of the following: i) Random Algorithm, ii) Immune Programming Algorithm (IP), iii) Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACO), and iv) Hybridized ACO and IP. Preliminary experiments are performed and reported for both integer (Z) stack-based and real (R) model-based problem representations. |
Publication date | 2005-04-21 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada |
Series | |
Language | English |
Peer reviewed | No |
NRC number | NRCC 48119 |
NPARC number | 8913779 |
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Record identifier | 8d429dfe-6b98-4dcd-88e3-384ac5e4eede |
Record created | 2009-04-22 |
Record modified | 2022-09-26 |