Auteur | Rechercher : Wu, S.1 |
Affiliation | - Conseil national de recherches du Canada. Énergie, les mines et l'environnement
Format | Texte, Mémorandum |
Sujet | dynamic relaxation; numerical methods; static analysis of cables and moorings |
Résumé | For maximum flexibility, displacement based finite element formulations are used for the analysis of catenary mooring structures. Numerical methods for the static solution require special attention. The static equilibrium equations are highly noNewfoundlandinear, solution of which necessitates use of an incremental or incremental iterative procedure, there are also more serious difficulties with the use of conventional numerical methods. Sources that contribute to the difficulties are discussed. Alternative methods based on dynamic relaxation are outlined. An adaptive dynamic relaxation technique has been developed. Results from its application to a wide range of examples have demonstrated its numerical robustness and efficiency. The proposed method has been incorporated into a computer program that is being developed at IMD. |
Date de publication | 1993 |
Maison d’édition | National Research Council of Canada. Institute for Marine Dynamics |
Emplacement | St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada |
Série | |
Langue | anglais |
Publications évaluées par des pairs | Non |
Numéro du CNRC | NRC-IOT-5853 |
Numéro NPARC | 8895245 |
Exporter la notice | Exporter en format RIS |
Signaler une correction | Signaler une correction (s'ouvre dans un nouvel onglet) |
Identificateur de l’enregistrement | 1ff73f72-1cf3-4665-9fd7-3696fef9601b |
Enregistrement créé | 2009-04-22 |
Enregistrement modifié | 2025-03-06 |