Abstract | Since the form of the exact functional in density functional theory is unknown, we must rely on density functional approximations (DFAs). In the past, very promising results have been reported by combining semi-local DFAs with exact, i.e. Hartree–Fock, exchange. However, the spin-state energy ordering and the predictions of global minima structures are particularly sensitive to the choice of the hybrid functional and to the amount of exact exchange. This has been already qualitatively described for single conformations, reactions, and a limited number of conformations. Here, we have analyzed the mixing of exact exchange in exchange functionals for a set of several hundred isomers of the transition metal carbide, Mo₄C₂. The analysis of the calculated energies and charges using PBE0-type functional with varying amounts of exact exchange yields the following insights: (1) The sensitivity of spin-energy splitting is strongly correlated with the amount of exact exchange mixing. (2) Spin contamination is exacerbated when correlation is omitted from the exchange-correlation functional. (3) There is not one ideal value for the exact exchange mixing which can be used to parametrize or choose among the functionals. Calculated energies and electronic structures are influenced by exact exchange at a different magnitude within a given distribution; therefore, to extend the application range of hybrid functionals to the full periodic table the spin-energy splitting energies should be investigated. |