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Author | Search for: Molyneux, W. D.; Search for: Xu, J. |
Format | Text, Technical Report |
Subject | Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV); seeding particles |
Abstract | Memorial University purchased a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system in January 2004. So far it has been used to study flow around a small propeller and a tug hull. Studies have also been made to determine the best seeding particles and the best method of introducing the seeding particles into the flow. This report describes the major components of the PIV system, and the analysis software. Some studies on the selection of seeding particles were made and they are described in this report. The PIV system was used to measure the flow field around a small model propeller and a model of a tug. The results of these experiments are also described. Finally, some recommendations are made for improving the experiment procedures and analysis techniques for future experiments. |
Publication date | 2005 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada. Institute for Ocean Technology |
Place | St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada |
Series | |
Language | English |
NRC number | NRC-IOT-6215 |
NPARC number | 8895377 |
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Record identifier | 1e8306ef-2d2a-4c7e-b2a3-48379aa18c88 |
Record created | 2009-04-22 |
Record modified | 2022-09-26 |