Download | - View final version: Low cost high performance cluster computing: capabilities, techniques and application to product performance modeling (PDF, 616 KiB)
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Author | Search for: Hamza, Hany1 |
Affiliation | - National Research Council of Canada
Format | Text, Technical Report |
Physical description | 33 p. |
Subject | cluster computing; high performance computing |
Abstract | This report provides a summary to main cluster computing architectures together with some of the popular tools and techniques available to end users to set up their cluster, and run their software applications easily and efficiently. As a result, new end users who are not familiar with cluster computing and its major advantages and available tools and techniques, can become familiar relatively quickly with most of the main and important topics in the field. |
Publication date | 2002-06 |
Publisher | National Research Council of Canada |
Series | |
Language | English |
NPARC number | 21272474 |
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Record identifier | 0748ab41-6148-4c83-8934-4f086063992b |
Record created | 2014-11-28 |
Record modified | 2022-10-27 |